How to Sober Up, 1628
That one shall not be drunke. Drink the iuyce of Yerrow fasting…
How to Get Strong, 1884
To Obtain a Good Biceps. Mounting a ladder or a rope hand-over-hand…
How to Grow a Beard, 1539
To make hair and beard grow. Take honeybees in quantity and dry them in a basket by the fire…
How to Blow Your Nose, 1616
Blowing the nose. We must not blow our nose too lowde, nor open the hand-chercher…
How to Improve Memory, 1630
Late Suppers, the too much use of Tobacco, meates that ingender grosse humors…
How to Make Waffles, 1714
The Right Dutch-Wafer. Take four Eggs, and beat them very well…
How to Practice Your Side Eye, 1913
The muscles of the eyes may be strengthened by slowly moving the orbs…
How to Make a Dog Do Chores, 1910
This sketch shows an arrangement for making use of the dog for carrying water…