How to Study, 1636
The best time for studie is early in the morning…
How to Care For Your Teeth, 1613
To keepe and preserve the teeth cleane. First if they bee very yellow and filthie…
How to Express Your Feelings, 1689
Expressions of Love and Friendship of Men towards Men…
How to Encrypt a Message, 1641
The second way of secrecy in speech, is by an alteration of any knowne language…
How to Cure Melancholy, c. 1303
The home must be bright, luminous, without pictures, and there should be…
How to Interpret Small Hands, 1651
The hands very short, doth signifie a gross and rude person…
How to Cure Congestion, 1682
For a Cold and stuffing in the Head, to draw Rheum from the Head…
How to Serve a Flaming Bird, c. 1465
How to Dress a Peacock With All Its Feathers, So That When Cooked, It Appears To Be Alive…