How to Cure Soreness, 1835

engraving of woman with bed-warmer and alluring gaze labeled "Do you please to have your bed warm'd sir?" William Heath, c. 1828

To remove great STIFFNESS OR SORENESS after a hard day’s ride or hunt. On going to bed, order a pan with bright glowing coals, throw a handful of brown sugar over them, with or without a few juniper berries; have your bed well warmed and fumigated with this sweet-scented steam from the sugar, which, instead of allowing to escape, you should creep into, whilst yet quite warm. All the soreness will have left your bones by the next morning.

Charles de Berenger, Helps and Hints How to Protect Life and Property

Sore from a hard day of hunting? Just slow-cook yourself with some aromatics, and you’ll be tender and luscious in the morning.