How to Have Long-Lasting Shoes, 1660
To be at small charges for Shooes, you may have the best, and almost everlasting…
How to Defend Your Garden from Pests, 1824
With respect to caterpillars, snails, and slugs, they can only be gathered by hand…
How to Spend Your Summer, 1465
Choler rises from May 8 to August 6. Then we should use cold and moist foods…
How to Compliment a Lady, 1737
Lady, the Magazine of all rich Treasure is contained in your Perfections…
How to Protect Against Disease, c. 1470
Anyone who can ride a bear the distance of nine paces without faltering…
How to Cure Bad Breath, 1664
The Breathing is faulty when it stinketh. As when the Breath smells of Excrements…
How to Avoid Melons, 1565
When you consider the small size of the root, and the great size of the stalk…
How to Grow Hair, 1660
Of Ointments to restore the Hair… The shells of Sea Hedge-hogs burnt…