How to Break Up a Party, 1659
A fine Conceit, to clear a Room of drunken, or rude company…
How to Choose Honey, 4th century
We recall that in all treatments the honey which is most effective is that in which there are dead bees…
How to Make Cheese Glue, c. 1300
Take old cheese, and cut it into little pieces, then put them in water for two full days or more…
The Past Asks You: An Enchanted Ecosystem, 1494
A mouse is at the top of a tree 60 braccia high…
How to Tell if Someone Is or Is Not Dead, c. 1380
Moreover, if there is any doubt as to whether a person is or is not dead…
How to Groom Your Eyebrows, 1563
Take the galle of a hee Gote or of a she Gote, but the hee Goate is better…
How to Care for a Newborn, 1254
After the woman has delivered the child, you should know how to take care of the child…
How to Bathe in Snow, 1837
Many people who have not fairly tried it know not the value of snow for washing the face and hands…