How to Picnic, 1387
The place where the assembly will be held should be a beautiful green meadow…
The place where the assembly will be held should be a beautiful green meadow…
Dress well, wear good shoes, and when you go outside, wear overshoes…
The home must be bright, luminous, without pictures, and there should be…
They should eat foods of litttle nourishment, great bulk, and quick digestion…
If you will, walk daily somewhere morning and evening…
First, bind the extremity with strong and tight bindings. Second, get an old rooster…
Take old cheese, and cut it into little pieces, then put them in water for two full days or more…
Moreover, if there is any doubt as to whether a person is or is not dead…
And in the first place as to the opening and closing of books, let there be due moderation…
I have recently discovered that you live dissolutely and slothfully…