How to Dye Your Hair Black, 1650
How to make Red, or Gray haire, black…
How to make Red, or Gray haire, black…
Take a bean, and having chewed it well, spit it on a cloth…
For treating the wrinkles of old women…
An ointment that takes away all Bunchings and Speckles of the face…
One who has very ugly nails should smear them with liquid…
Of Ointments to restore the Hair… The shells of Sea Hedge-hogs burnt…
The horne of an Vnicorne being beaten and boyled in wine…
Some persons have the eyebrows meeting over the nose. This is usually considered a disfigurement…
If one use to rub chapped or rough lippes with the sweate behind their eares…
So that we may recognize made-up faces, do thus. Chew a bit of saffron in your teeth…
After leaving the bath, let her adorn her hair, and first of all let her wash it…
The muscles of the eyes may be strengthened by slowly moving the orbs…