How to Get Rid of Stinging Insects, 1633

engraving of wasps and wasp parts Francesco Stelluti, Persio (1630) University of Oklahoma

The Generall Method of Preventing, and Curing all venemous Stingings and Bitings. Prevention is onely two wayes: By having an eye to all places where they are likely to be abroad: And by driving them from the place of a mans habitation. All venomous Creatures are driven from the house by these fumes and washings following. Fume your roomes with the smoake of Harts-horne shavings, burnt in a chafing-dish or firepanne: or the shavings of sheepes hoofes: or the parings of old shooes. Wash the walls with the Gaule of any beast boyled a little in water.

Stephen Bradwell, Helps for Suddain Accidents Endangering Life

Got an infestation? Time to light the old-shoe incense. (Simply whacking the insects with your old shoes is also effective.)