How to Behave in Public, 1663
It is a point of cleanliness, and of wholsomness, to wash ones hands and face as soon as one is up…
It is a point of cleanliness, and of wholsomness, to wash ones hands and face as soon as one is up…
How to make Red, or Gray haire, black…
There be some, who thinke it a great preservative against the pestilent Aire to keepe a Goat in their houses…
To repel flies, spiders, scorpions, and other animals…
In July. Now arrives the Sommers Solstice…
Of Spectacles of pleasure. Simple Spectacles of blew, yellow, red…
Shew me a way how a man may drinke much wine and yet not be drunke…
Now for a more humble feast, or an ordinary proportion…
In October… Arme your body soundly with pleasant wines or spiced drinks…
Whosoever desyres to see the Sun eclipsed without hurting their eyes…
An ointment that takes away all Bunchings and Speckles of the face…
Of the making of Rockets and other Fireworkes. For the making of Rockets of sundry kinds…
To dream that you have your Arm dried up, is very unfortunate…
The best time for studie is early in the morning…
To keepe and preserve the teeth cleane. First if they bee very yellow and filthie…
Expressions of Love and Friendship of Men towards Men…
The second way of secrecy in speech, is by an alteration of any knowne language…
The hands very short, doth signifie a gross and rude person…
For a Cold and stuffing in the Head, to draw Rheum from the Head…
If any man shall but touch or kiss with hismouth the snowt or nostrils of a Mouse…
The regiment for the time of Summer, June, July, and August…
How to make ones haire to become of a yellow Golden Colour…
To stay the sneezing scratch the Soles of the Feet…
There are many who when they have drank much Wine, that is the worst…
Now the daies are shortened, & the nights prolonged, winds are sharp…
And a little Frog climbing up a tree, if any one shall spit in his mouth…
Autumne beginneth, when the sunne entreth the first degree of Libra…
Francesco Stelluti, Persio (1630) University of Oklahoma
It revives the drooping spirits, and chears those that are ready to faint…
Manie men being verie desirous to adorne and set forth their Garden…
We will here discouer and discourse of the lothsome stench of the armepits…
Swift motion, renders the body thin and compacted. Slow motion…
Whosoever are defended by a skin of a River Horse called Hippotamus, are never touched by the Thunder…
It is the nature of a Dogge when he maketh water, to holde vp his legge…
To be at small charges for Shooes, you may have the best, and almost everlasting…
The Breathing is faulty when it stinketh. As when the Breath smells of Excrements…
Of Ointments to restore the Hair… The shells of Sea Hedge-hogs burnt…
In Neesing, there is a sudden sending forth of Air…
Laughing on stage at the wrong time is a defect…
How to seeme to cut ones nose halfe off. For the effecting of this feate…
As soon as they are up in the Morning, they shall spend one Hour in Reading…
The horne of an Vnicorne being beaten and boyled in wine…
If you apply a living duck, the feathers being pulled off behind, to the Stomach…
John Bulwer, Anthropometamorphosis (1650)
Take the Powder of double refined Sugar, and Powder of White Pepper of each alike…
How to make dainty sport with a Cat…
The Oyl of Wormwood by Decoction, Oyl of Quinces, and Oyl of Mastich…
A cheape, fresh and lasting victuall, called by the name of Macaroni amongst the Italians…
For to make a man hear. Take a red Onion and pick out the top…
To keep the face from Sunburn, you had best wash with water drawn from the whites of eggs…
The excellency of peaches… further appears when we cut a Peach with the Knife…
How to make a Receit, that neither Rat nor Mouse shall eat or gnaw of your Cheese…
To stanch the bleeding of a Wound. Take a Hounds Turd…
Spet not farre off thee, nor behinde thee, but aside, a little distant…
Now we will teach the techniques for writing on various objects…
If R be in the month, their judgements erre, That thinke that sleepe in afternoone is good…
The women are troubled with nauseating and loathing of their meat…
Bread that commeth hote from the Oven is unwholesome…
To make one wake or sleep. You must cut dexterously the Head of a Toad, alive…
A sort of Bread, of which a Mouthful can maintain a Man eight daies…
Now in order to walk nicely, and to wear chopines properly on one’s feet, so that they do not twist…
Against the Wind in the Belly. Apply a living Tench to the Patients Navel…
A fine Conceit, to clear a Room of drunken, or rude company…
Instructions for Lovers, teaching them, how to demean themselves towards their Sweet-hearts…
Que faites vous? What do you do?…
In cutting up all manner of small Birds, it is proper to say, Thigh them…
The Rainebow is a thing admirable in the world, which ravisheth often the eyes and spirits of men…
To make Frayse appear like Rashers of Bacon. Take of fine Flowre half a peck…
How to prevent drunkenness. Drink first a good large draught of Sallet Oyl…
Anne Vallayer-Coster, Still Life with Lobster (1781)
To invite one home. Sir, I have often desired your company at home…
To make Cock-Ale. Take nine Gallons of Ale, and let it Work…
You shall finde it wonderfull expedient, if you bath your head foure times in the yeare…
Her Dove-like eyes…
An easie way to procure Fire speedily. Take a round Glasse, and fill it with faire water…
To make a Pompion-Pie. Having your Paste ready in your Pan…
A Potion to make the Body fat. Take of the flour of Vetches, Beans, Barley, Rice, each alike parts…
Of Waters that adorn the Face… Take of the Decoction of a Chicken, Capon, or Hen, three pints…
Good Wine ought to be clean, pure, and clear, inclining to a red, called Claret…
Take seven hundred Cacao Nuts, a pound and a half of white Sugar, two ounces of Cinnamon…
A Dentrifice to whiten the Teeth. Take of Harts-horn and Horses Teeth…
Sleeping at noones causeth heavinesse of the head, dulnesse of wit…
Take the buds of all good sallets herbs, capers, dates, raisins, almonds, currans, figs, orangado…
Voices may be concealed six wayes. First by absence, and this is the safest way…
To see onely by the hand what of the clocke it is… may bee practiced by the left hand in this manner…
If thou soakest thy bread or meat in the sauce, soak it not againe, after that thou hast bitten it…
A man sent his three Sons to Market, to his Eldest he gave twenty two Apples…
A speedy Remedy for Fits of Vomiting. Take a large Nutmeg, grate off one half of it…
etters that are not to be read but in the night, must be written with the Gall of a Tortois…
Neither shake thy head, feet, or legges; Rowle not thine eyes…
Beere that is too bitter of the hop… hurteth the sinewes, offendeth the sight, and causeth the head-ach…
Pieter Bruegel, Summer (1637)
If it happen to be a Male Child, then the right Eye of the Woman will, to appearance, move swifter…
Fiddle strings must be made of Adders and Serpents, but of their guts…
How to cleans the sweatie and sluttish Complexion… Take thirty Snails prepared…
French Toasts. Cut French Bread, and toast it in pretty thick toasts on a clean gridiron…
Take an Earthen Platter, that is broad and shallow, fill it half full with Goats Blood…
How the childe must be made cleane… The Nurse, or some other, must sit neare the fire…
To have occasion to exercise within your Orchard it shall be a pleasure to have a Bowling Alley…
A light to make one Fart. The Operation of this Lamp is wonderfull…
A Drink that healeth all Wounds… Take Sanicle, Milfoil, and Bugle, of each a like quantity, stamp them in a Mortar…
To make a great compound Egg as big as twenty Eggs…
A singer should not sing through his nose. He must not stammer…
Others assure me, That the best Remedy is, to keep always, night and day, a piece of Earth under the Nose…
How to make men mad with Mandrake… Take the Roots of Mandrake, and but put them into new Wine…
To make the golden Rain, you must get store of Goose-quills, and cut them off next the feathers…
When the skinne shall be wet with sweat, it shall be good to desist from exercise…
How to make a Dragon, or the like, to run on the Line, spitting of fire…
And because you that are but a young angler, know not what snigling is, I will now teach it to you…
So that we may recognize made-up faces, do thus. Chew a bit of saffron in your teeth…
We must now particularize the preparation of this Drink made with Coffee…
How to walke on the Water. For to doe this, take two little Timbrels…
That one shall not be drunke. Drink the iuyce of Yerrow fasting…
Blowing the nose. We must not blow our nose too lowde, nor open the hand-chercher…
Late Suppers, the too much use of Tobacco, meates that ingender grosse humors…
To Stench a Bleeding Wound, Lay hogs Dung, hot from the Hog…