How to Make a Salad, 1660

vendor with armful of "Radishes or lettis tow bunches a peny"

Take the buds of all good sallets herbs, capers, dates, raisins, almonds, currans, figs, orangado. Then first of all lay it in a large dish, the herbs being finely picked and washed, swing them in a clean napkin; then lay the other materials round the dish, and amongst the herbs some of all the foresaid fruits, some fine sugar, and on the top slic’t lemon, and eggs scarce hard cut in halves, and laid round the side of the dish, and scrape sugar over all; or you may lay every fruit in partitions several.

Robert May, The Accomplisht Cook

In the good old days, salad was a sugar delivery system, and a salad spinner was a cook with a napkin.