How to Bathe in January, c. 7th century
Let your hair be combed, and your haircut be equally neat. If you are shaggy…
Let your hair be combed, and your haircut be equally neat. If you are shaggy…
November governs the watery phlegm…
An Encyclopaedia of Domestic Economy, 1844
A Rule to knowe what thinges are good and holosome for the Braine…
You should wash the baby after he has had a long nap…
Many people who have not fairly tried it know not the value of snow for washing the face and hands…
You shall finde it wonderfull expedient, if you bath your head foure times in the yeare…
Flannel is the best material for a bathing costume, and gray is regarded as the most suitable color…
To prepare the skin for the cold sea bathing, it would be well, before taking a dip in the sea…
To cut the Nails of the Toes in the Water… You must hold your knife in your right hand…