How to Sweet Talk Your Lady, 1656
Instructions for Lovers, teaching them, how to demean themselves towards their Sweet-hearts…
How to Speak French, 1694
Que faites vous? What do you do?…
How to Discuss Meat Carving, 1673
In cutting up all manner of small Birds, it is proper to say, Thigh them…
How to Make White-Out, 1563
For to make a water that will take out incontinent letters from the Paper…
How to Handle Books, 1345
And in the first place as to the opening and closing of books, let there be due moderation…
How to Make a Rainbow, 1633
The Rainebow is a thing admirable in the world, which ravisheth often the eyes and spirits of men…
How to Succeed on a Business Trip, 1528
Cosimo de’ Medici spoke to a friend of his who was very rich but not very learned…
How to Improve Your Memory, 1563
To make one have a good memorie. Take a Tooth or the lefte legge of a Badgre…