How to Dye Your Hair Black, 1650
How to make Red, or Gray haire, black…
How to make Red, or Gray haire, black…
Let your hair be combed, and your haircut be equally neat. If you are shaggy…
How to make ones haire to become of a yellow Golden Colour…
When she combs her hair, let her have this powder…
Take Deer’s Marrow, put it into a sufficient Quantity of Water…
To keep the face from Sunburn, you had best wash with water drawn from the whites of eggs…
Take the galle of a hee Gote or of a she Gote, but the hee Goate is better…
Many people who have not fairly tried it know not the value of snow for washing the face and hands…
Of Waters that adorn the Face… Take of the Decoction of a Chicken, Capon, or Hen, three pints…
For removing redness from the face, we put on leeches of various colors…
How to cleans the sweatie and sluttish Complexion… Take thirty Snails prepared…
If one use to rub chapped or rough lippes with the sweate behind their eares…
So that we may recognize made-up faces, do thus. Chew a bit of saffron in your teeth…