How to Run, 1657
Swift motion, renders the body thin and compacted. Slow motion…
How to Stop Bleeding, 1596
A very good Medicine to staunch bloud… Take a peece of Salt Biefe…
How to Improve Your Brain, 1596
A Rule to knowe what thinges are good and holosome for the Braine…
How to Stay Cool, 1723
When the Sun is in its full Force, there is nothing more refreshing…
How to Avoid Sunburn, 1756
Take Deer’s Marrow, put it into a sufficient Quantity of Water…
How to Avoid Bad Weather, 1660
Whosoever are defended by a skin of a River Horse called Hippotamus, are never touched by the Thunder…
How to Choose a Spouse, 1879
Bright red hair and a florid complexion indicate an excitable temperament…
How to Care for Your Dog, 1607
It is the nature of a Dogge when he maketh water, to holde vp his legge…