How to Dye Your Hair Black, 1650
How to make Red, or Gray haire, black…
How to Avoid the Plague, 1630
There be some, who thinke it a great preservative against the pestilent Aire to keepe a Goat in their houses…
How to Avoid the Plague, 1494
We must guard ourselves against anger, sadness, fear, worry, and pensiveness…
How to Exercise, 1560
Since there are various sorts of exercise, it should be considered which one is most suited…
How to Make Spiced Wine, 1559
Cinnamon, an ounce and a half. Ginger, iii drams.
How to Make Waffles, 1393
Waffles are made in four ways. First, beat eggs in a bowl, then add salt and wine…
How to Care for a Toddler, 1577
It very often happens in early walking that the infant falls…
How to Taste Wine, c. 1305
Some say that when the northern winds blow, wine is most genuine and reliable…