How to Cure a Stuffy Nose, 1658
If any man shall but touch or kiss with hismouth the snowt or nostrils of a Mouse…
How to Be a Powerful Woman, 1404
The better and more virtuous a lady is, the greater the war Envy very often makes…
How to Get the Girl, c. 1470
Young men should not hate cats because they are the cause of great happiness…
How Not to Get Expelled, 1484
It is commanded to all students that none of them henceforth in the streets or ways…
The Past Asks You: 1889 Etiquette
Is it proper to use a knife and fork in eating asparagus…
How to Pack Lunch (Businesswomen’s Edition), 1889
Portable Lunches… To women breadwinners how to have some change from the fare they daily carry with them…
How to Swim, 1587
The times which the temperature of this our climate affords as good to swimme…
How to Have a Healthy Summer, 1656
The regiment for the time of Summer, June, July, and August…