How to Cure Lethargy, 1655
In direct opposition to a Frenzie, is the Disease called a Lethargie…
In direct opposition to a Frenzie, is the Disease called a Lethargie…
First we should talk about the epidemic, and then about keeping safe from it…
But it is good in all tymes, to beare about you preciouse stones…
Of the Passion of the Splene. This impediment doth come by thought, anger or care, or sorow…
There be some, who thinke it a great preservative against the pestilent Aire to keepe a Goat in their houses…
We must guard ourselves against anger, sadness, fear, worry, and pensiveness…
Those who are afflicted by the disease cynanthropy or lycanthropy go out at night…
For a Cold and stuffing in the Head, to draw Rheum from the Head…
A very good Medicine to staunch bloud… Take a peece of Salt Biefe…
A Rule to knowe what thinges are good and holosome for the Braine…
Anyone who can ride a bear the distance of nine paces without faltering…
If you apply a living duck, the feathers being pulled off behind, to the Stomach…
To stanch the bleeding of a Wound. Take a Hounds Turd…
An incision is made in the skin of either arm, left or right, down to the flesh…
At this point I will explain how bacon may be eaten to the best effect…
We recall that in all treatments the honey which is most effective is that in which there are dead bees…
Moreover, if there is any doubt as to whether a person is or is not dead…
To make one have a good memorie. Take a Tooth or the lefte legge of a Badgre…
A Medicine for the stopping of the nose and head, which commeth by reason of colde…
Whosoever eateth two Walnuts, two Figs, twenty leaves of Rew, and one graine of Salt…
Earth Wormes fried with Goose greace, then straind…
Beneath the armpits are certain veins called “ticklish”…
A speedy Remedy for Fits of Vomiting. Take a large Nutmeg, grate off one half of it…
A Drink that healeth all Wounds… Take Sanicle, Milfoil, and Bugle, of each a like quantity, stamp them in a Mortar…
Others assure me, That the best Remedy is, to keep always, night and day, a piece of Earth under the Nose…
Headaches you will enchant. Take some earth, touch your breast three times and say…
Laye a thynne peece of rawe Beefe, to the forehead of them that have lost theyr voyce…
That one shall not be drunke. Drink the iuyce of Yerrow fasting…
To Stench a Bleeding Wound, Lay hogs Dung, hot from the Hog…