How to Make Waffles, 1393
Waffles are made in four ways. First, beat eggs in a bowl, then add salt and wine…
Waffles are made in four ways. First, beat eggs in a bowl, then add salt and wine…
Some say that when the northern winds blow, wine is most genuine and reliable…
Those who are afflicted by the disease cynanthropy or lycanthropy go out at night…
Let your hair be combed, and your haircut be equally neat. If you are shaggy…
November governs the watery phlegm…
We have learned from certain important and noteworthy persons…
For treating the wrinkles of old women…
The home must be bright, luminous, without pictures, and there should be…
It is commanded to all students that none of them henceforth in the streets or ways…
They should eat foods of litttle nourishment, great bulk, and quick digestion…
When she combs her hair, let her have this powder…
Wheat is hot and full of profit. Nothing is lacking in it. But…
If a woman very much wants her husband to love her relatives and friends…
Winter is damp and cold. We should turn to food…
One who has very ugly nails should smear them with liquid…
If you will, walk daily somewhere morning and evening…
Anyone attending any lecture must… have his own copy of the reading…
First, bind the extremity with strong and tight bindings. Second, get an old rooster…
You should wash the baby after he has had a long nap…
If a woman places feathers from a capon that has hatched young chickens in her husband’s ear…
A weasel placed on a scorpion bite helps greatly…
Let your hair be combed, and your haircut be equally neat. If you are shaggy…
If you have a good cat and you don’t want to lose it…
If, however, the woman is fat and seemingly dropsical, let us mix cow dung with very good wine…
Take old cheese, and cut it into little pieces, then put them in water for two full days or more…
Moreover, if there is any doubt as to whether a person is or is not dead…
After the woman has delivered the child, you should know how to take care of the child…
And in the first place as to the opening and closing of books, let there be due moderation…
If anyone does what many do on the first day of January, that is to say, goes around in the costume of a stag…
Your clothing should be pleasing and fine, cut to your figure. If you have no expensive cloth…
For removing redness from the face, we put on leeches of various colors…
If a fire blazes up, it should be extinguished with sand and bran…
Beneath the armpits are certain veins called “ticklish”…
First, heat the pan thoroughly with oil, butter, or another grease as you wish…
By frequently rubbing your bald spots with ground onions…
Carolingian genealogy Berlin Staatsbibliothek, MS lat. fol. 295, f. 80v (12th c.)
Another kind of fire for burning enemies wherever they are. Take petroleum…
It shines at night like a lamp, and when you see it mark it round quickly with iron…
Headaches you will enchant. Take some earth, touch your breast three times and say…
A dream of hot waters bubbling up, this is bad. Falling from a horse…
This is how to keep your teeth. Gather the grains of a leek, burn them with henbane…
I have recently discovered that you live dissolutely and slothfully…
After leaving the bath, let her adorn her hair, and first of all let her wash it…
If you have a room or floor in your dwelling infested with flies, take little sprigs of fern…