How to Cure Melancholy, 1587
Of the Passion of the Splene. This impediment doth come by thought, anger or care, or sorow…
Of the Passion of the Splene. This impediment doth come by thought, anger or care, or sorow…
Since there are various sorts of exercise, it should be considered which one is most suited…
Cinnamon, an ounce and a half. Ginger, iii drams.
It very often happens in early walking that the infant falls…
Take a bean, and having chewed it well, spit it on a cloth…
A most beautiful and pleasant secret for curing a cough…
Well-positioned and advantageous lines…
The pulpe of the Pompion is never eaten raw…
The mermayde is a dedely beste that bringeth a man gladly to dethe…
Nobles, who are bilious by nature, have both crusts removed…
Whosoever desyres to see the Sun eclipsed without hurting their eyes…
Margarita Philosophica Nova (1508), Wellcome Library
The times which the temperature of this our climate affords as good to swimme…
Asparagus cooked with wine alleviates pain of the loins and kidneys, provokes urine…
It is also a fowle and unseemely thing for thee to make faces…
A very good Medicine to staunch bloud… Take a peece of Salt Biefe…
A Rule to knowe what thinges are good and holosome for the Braine…
When you consider the small size of the root, and the great size of the stalk…
Thou ought to knowe that clere rennynge Waters that ben nyghe to cytees in pure grounde…
The eyebrowes that be very heary declare folyshnes of maners and mischiefe…
Walters Art Museum MS W.195, f. 4r
Beat egges shales to pouder and syft them through a linnen cloth and blewe them into his nose…
Be it far from thee to go unto the Schoole with as ill a will as wicked dooers…
To carrie any thing drie over the water in his hands. This is onely done by swimming upon his backe…
Naturally good or bad taste does exist…
Some teach that boys should keep in the gas of their bellies by compressing their buttocks…
An incision is made in the skin of either arm, left or right, down to the flesh…
Those who are constantly talking about their children, their wives or their nursemaids, are equally at fault…
Take the galle of a hee Gote or of a she Gote, but the hee Goate is better…
For to make a water that will take out incontinent letters from the Paper…
Cosimo de’ Medici spoke to a friend of his who was very rich but not very learned…
To make one have a good memorie. Take a Tooth or the lefte legge of a Badgre…
A Medicine for the stopping of the nose and head, which commeth by reason of colde…
Whosoever annoynts his feete or hands, with the grease of a Woolfe…
We see many great and painfull Studentes, still sitting at their Bookes…
Whosoever eateth two Walnuts, two Figs, twenty leaves of Rew, and one graine of Salt…
To make an hearb to growe which shall have many savours and tastes…
Whosoever have their feete smell strongly, if they put the scales of Iron in their shoes…
It is better dealing with men in appetite then with those which are where they would be…
The Lomberd… is scorneful of his speche. He wyl geve an aunswer with wrieng his hed…
Earth Wormes fried with Goose greace, then straind…
Of all ways whereby great wealth is acquired by good and honest means, none is more advantageous than mining…
Where your pleasantries are not rewarded with the laughter of listeners, cease and desist from telling jokes…
An excellent and approved thing to make them slender, that are grosse…
Never doze during the ball, please, my good companion…
An Italian, through the oft smelling of an hearb called Basil…
If one use to rub chapped or rough lippes with the sweate behind their eares…
It is not fitting to be melancholy or distracted in the company of others…
Furthermore never fart when you are dancing; grit your teeth and compel your arse to hold back the fart..
Laye a thynne peece of rawe Beefe, to the forehead of them that have lost theyr voyce…
In case of dance emergency, pull cord. Cesare Negri, Nuove inventioni di balli, 1604
To make hair and beard grow. Take honeybees in quantity and dry them in a basket by the fire…