17th century

How to Spit, 1651

Spet not farre off thee, nor behinde thee, but aside, a little distant…

How to Nap, 1607

If R be in the month, their judgements erre, That thinke that sleepe in afternoone is good…

How to Fatten Up, 1660

A Potion to make the Body fat. Take of the flour of Vetches, Beans, Barley, Rice, each alike parts…

How to Nap, 1623

Sleeping at noones causeth heavinesse of the head, dulnesse of wit…

How to Drink Beer, 1623

Beere that is too bitter of the hop… hurteth the sinewes, offendeth the sight, and causeth the head-ach…

How to Heal All Wounds, 1683

A Drink that healeth all Wounds… Take Sanicle, Milfoil, and Bugle, of each a like quantity, stamp them in a Mortar…

How to Sniggle, 1653

And because you that are but a young angler, know not what snigling is, I will now teach it to you…